Courses FAQ
This page will answer your frequently asked questions (FAQ) about our courses. Looking for information about Continuing Education at George Brown College or about our programs? Visit our General FAQ or Programs FAQ. Looking for information about distance learning? Visit our Distance Learning FAQ.
Can't find what you need here or want additional help? Visit the Continuing Education Contacts web page for department contact information.
If you have a disability and need academic accommodations or access to support services for your course, register with Accessible Learning Services as early as possible before your first class. Visit the Accessible Learning Services web page for more details.
If you need to complete a General English Assessment, you can book your assessment by calling the Contact Centre. Visit the General English Assessment web page for more details.
In some cases, financial assistance for Continuing Education courses may be available through the George Brown College Student Assistance Fund. Visit the Financial Assistance web page for more details.
Student ID numbers and passwords are emailed to all new Continuing Education students after registration. Visit the Student ID Number web page and Passwords web page for more details.
A prerequisite course is a required course that you must complete before you take the course for which you want to register. (That is, you must pass Course A before you take Course B.) A recommended course is not a required course; it is a suggested course that can provide helpful knowledge or skills for the course for which you want to register.
To transfer to another course or withdraw from a course, you must make the request in writing. An administrative fee may apply. Refer to Transfers web page or the Withdrawals web page for more details.
Depending on the course you registered for and when you officially request to withdraw from the course, you may receive a full refund less an administrative fee. Visit the Refunds web page for more details.
The campus building and room number for your class will appear with your class section course reference number (CRN) details on the course web page three days before the course start date (or at 6 a.m. on the course start date for Hospitality and Culinary Arts courses). Room numbers are also posted at each campus on the day of the first class. Visit the Room Assignments web page or the Room Assignments Look-up web page for more details.
Textbooks, other course supplies and more can be purchased in person from the George Brown College bookstores and computer store. You can also order textbooks online from the bookstore website. Visit the Bookstores and Computer Store web page for more details.
Tax receipts are obtained through your online student account. Visit the Tax Receipt web page for more details.
To drop a course, you must formally withdraw from a course. An administrative fee may apply. Refer to the Withdrawals web page for more details.