Program Requirements
In Continuing Education at George Brown College, you register in an individual course whether you are pursuing a credential (program) or not. You always register and pay on a course-by-course basis. In most cases, you do not need to register in any way for a program in order to start a course, and you can take multiple courses in a term if you so choose.
If you want to complete a program for which George Brown awards the credential, you simply complete the courses required for that program within the time allowed. Program requirements are clearly outlined in the program descriptions published on the Continuing Education website. Core courses provide the foundation while electives (if applicable) permit you to select courses best suited to your interests and goals. To be eligible to receive a specific certificate or certificate of completion, you must complete the requirements for that program as they exist at the beginning of the academic year in which you begin taking courses toward that program. (If you require a copy of the requirements from the year you started, contact the department co-ordinator.) It is your responsibility to make a certificate or certificate of completion request in writing once you have completed all the program requirements.
Generally, you must complete the program requirements within three years. However, that requirement may vary depending on the program and/or the department that oversees it. Occasionally, changes may occur that make the courses you require unavailable or available for only a limited time. In such cases, contact the department co-ordinator to discuss your options (including possible course substitutions).
Together, course exemptions and Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) credits cannot be used to meet more than 50% (or the percentage noted in the program description) of a program's requirements.
If you want to complete a program for which an external body awards the credential, you must complete the courses required for that program through George Brown and also complete any other requirements set by the external body and follow the process listed on the their website.
For related information, visit the Credential Requests and Replacements web page or the Professional Designations web page.