Distance Learning FAQ
This page will answer your frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Distance Learning at George Brown College. Looking for information about our courses, Continuing Education at George Brown College or our programs? Visit our Course FAQ, General FAQ or Programs FAQ.
Looking for Distance Learning system requirements? Visit the Online Course Requirements and LMSs web page.
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Distance learning refers to teaching and learning that takes place without the traditional campus classroom experience. Many people choose to study in the comfort of their own homes, but distance learning gives you the flexibility to learn wherever it is most convenient for you.
Distance learning courses offered by Continuing Education at George Brown College are delivered online. OntarioLearn courses are also delivered online. For more information about the system requirements, visit the Student Resources web page. For more information about online learning at the college, visit the George Brown College Online Learning microsite.
Some of our distance learning courses are term-based. So, as with an in-class course, you need to register in advance of the course start date or shortly after the course starts. (Register early for online courses to ensure course access is in place for the start of your course.) Other distance learning courses are continuous intake. A continuous intake course allows you to register at any time throughout the term. You then have a set number of days to finish the course.
A course that uses scheduled teacher-led online delivery is run like a virtual classroom. You attend face-to-face scheduled class sessions online. A camera and microphone may be required. Our scheduled teacher-led online courses typically use Brightspace but other platforms may be used. Details about what platform your course will use will be provided on the course page.
You will likely need to do additional self-directed work outside of class hours. Note that self-directed is not the same as self-paced. You are expected to meet all the requirements/due dates outlined at the start of course. Make sure you review the course outline, schedule, and deadlines before you start the course.
A course that uses self-directed online delivery has all its content posted on an online platform (such as the George Brown College Brightspace learning management system). You then work through the content independently, though teacher support will be available. Courses with this kind of delivery generally do not involve scheduled classes (with some exceptions). This is also known as "asynchronous learning" because you are not necessarily progressing together (in sync) with the other students.
Note that self-directed is not the same as self-paced. You are expected to meet all the requirements/due dates outlined at the start of course. Make sure you review the course outline, schedule, and deadlines before you start the course.
By partnering together, colleges can provide a greater number of online courses for their students. OntarioLearn is a partnership between 24 Ontario colleges that offers a broad selection of online courses. We have selected courses from the OntarioLearn course inventory that complement our existing distance learning offerings. This means our students get access to a wider range of teacher-directed online courses while enjoying George Brown's high-quality registration and administrative support.
The college responsible for developing a course and its content is called the “host college.” Although you register with and receive your grade from George Brown College, the teacher will be provided by the host college and all technical support will be provided by OntarioLearn.com. For more information, visit the OntarioLearn website or contact the Continuing Education OntarioLearn department at 416-415-5000, ext. 6543, or online_learning@georgebrown.ca.
Note that OntarioLearn courses (with a few exceptions) are not equivalent to courses offered in class.