Course Credits
The credit value of Continuing Education courses that are not equivalent to full-time post-secondary courses is identified using Continuing Education Units (CEU). CEU are used at many educational institutions to define the value or contribution of a course when applied toward a full program of study. One unit is granted for every 10 hours of instruction, rounded to the nearest tenth. This number is not included in any calculation of grade point averages. As an example, if you were transferring credits to another educational institution, a 42-hour Continuing Education course that does not have a full-time post-secondary equivalent would be equal to 4.2 CEU and no grade point average (GPA) hours.
The credit value of Continuing Education courses that are equivalent to post-secondary courses is identified using credits. As an example, if you were transferring credits to another educational institution, a 42-hour Continuing Education course that does have a full-time post-secondary equivalent would be equal to three credits or grade point average (GPA) hours. If a Continuing Education course has a full-time equivalent, it will be listed on the web page for that course. (You can get to the course web page quickly by adding the course code to the end of our website URL – for example, coned.georgebrown.ca/COMM1008.) Alternatively, you can check out the Full-time Course Equivalencies web page for a complete list of Continuing Education courses that are equivalent to full-time courses.
Disclaimer: George Brown College does not guarantee that its courses will be accepted by other educational institutions.