Fitness and Recreation Facilities
George Brown College Athletics and Recreation offers a wide range of fitness and recreation activities, including drop-in sports in the gymnasium; weight and cardio training equipment in the fitness centre; and spin cycling, yoga and a variety of other fitness classes in our studios.
As a Continuing Education student, you can use your registration confirmation to purchase a discounted part-time student Athletic Centre membership for the term of study in which you are registered. (If you register in person, you receive a registration confirmation from college staff at the time of registration. If you register online, you can see and print a registration confirmation screen and will also be sent a registration confirmation to the email address you provided.) Athletic Centre fees are payable by Visa Credit, MasterCard or debit at any member services desk.
For locations, hours of operation, available classes and pricing, visit the George Brown College Athletics and Recreation website. Keep in mind that the hours of operation for our campus gyms and fitness centres vary depending on location and time of year, including summer hours from May to August.