You must officially withdraw in writing. To officially withdraw, send your withdrawal request to cereg@georgebrown.ca. Your request should include your name, your student ID number, the course registration number (CRN) of the course section in which you are registered, and the reason you are withdrawing. In order to withdraw without academic penalty (a failing grade), you must officially withdraw from a Continuing Education course before 60% of the scheduled classes/meetings are held.
If you officially withdraw, you may be eligible for a refund of your course fees. The amount of your refund will depend on whether or not you officially withdraw in the timeframe laid out for your course in our refund policy. Additionally, our current withdrawal fee will be deducted from the value of your refund.
If you stop attending your course without officially withdrawing, you will not receive any sort of refund and you will receive a failing grade (which will be recorded on your grade report).