Academic Integrity
George Brown College defines academic integrity as a “demonstration of the values of honesty, equity, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility in all forms of learning and scholarship.” At the college, breaches of academic integrity include
- cheating
- plagiarism
Plagiarism is copying directly from textbooks, the Internet, and other sources without acknowledgment or using another’s ideas as one’s own. It is penalized as cheating at George Brown College. Plagiarized assignments are given a grade of F (0%), which may lead to a grade of F (0-49%) in the course. For more information, visit the college-wide Avoiding Plagiarism web page.
- damaging, tampering, or interfering with the academic environment
- fabrication and/or improper academic research practices
- forging or falsifying documents in print or electronic form
- impersonation
- inappropriate use of digital technology
- copyright
Copyright law protects creators, owners and users of copyrighted materials. All books, periodicals, music, images and videos (both in hard-copy format and in digital format) are automatically under copyright in Canada unless they are in the public domain or have been licensed under alternative copyright licences. As a student at George Brown College, you are expected to comply with Canada’s copyright laws and any licensing agreements the college holds governing the copying of material under copyright. You are also reminded that the photocopying of any substantial part of a textbook is not permitted. However, the college has adopted the Association of Canadian Community Colleges Fair Dealing Policy, which gives you some limited permissions. For details, review the college-wide Copyright web page or contact Copyright Services at copyrighthelp@georgebrown.ca or 416-415-5000, ext. 6945.
For more information, visit the college-wide Academic Integrity Policy.