Pre-registration Considerations
In Continuing Education at George Brown College, you register in an individual course whether you are pursuing a credential (program) or not. You always register and pay on a course-by-course basis. In most cases, you do not need to register in any way for a program in order to start a course, and you can take multiple courses in a term if you so choose.
How do I find the course I want?
Find the course(s) you want by browsing the Courses and Programs area of the Continuing Education website. You can also search for the course or subject you are interested in by using the “Search Entire Site” field as well as our Search for Courses function.
What do I need to know before I register for a course?
- Read the Continuing Education eligibility for registration policy (especially if you are an international learner) to ensure you are eligible to take classes through Continuing Education.
- Decide whether you want to take the course for credit or audit the course and whether you will be requesting the senior’s discount. This will determine your steps for registering.
- Read our policies, especially our availability, cancellations and changes policy, our transfer policy, and our withdrawal policy.
- Familiarize yourself with what is expected in terms of attendance in class.
- Register early for online courses to ensure course access is in place for the start of your course.
What do I need to do before I register for a course?
- Read the complete course web page.
- Review any prerequisites listed. If you do not meet the prerequisites as listed but you do meet them through a previously completed course or experience, request a course exemption or prior learning assessment and recognition (PLAR).
- Complete any required pre-course assessments, such as an English assessment or a math assessment.
How do I find the program I want?
Find the program you want by browsing the Courses and Programs area of the Continuing Education website or our Program Index. You can also search for a program or subject you are interested in by using the “Search Entire Site” field as well as our Search for Programs function. Alternatively, if you start by browsing courses, you may find program suggestions on a course’s web page under “This course can be applied to the following programs.” (Many George Brown College Continuing Education courses can be applied toward at least one program.)
What do I need to know before I start working toward a credential?
If you want to complete a program for which George Brown awards the credential, you simply complete the courses required for that program within the time allowed and, once you have completed them all, you request your certificate or other credential. If you want to complete a program for which an external body awards the credential, you must complete the courses required for that program through George Brown and also complete any other requirements set by the external body and follow the process listed on the their website.
What do I need to do before I register for the first required course in a program?
- Read the program’s web page in full.
- Review any prerequisites listed. If you do not meet the prerequisites as listed but you do meet them through a previously completed course or experience, request a course exemption or prior learning assessment and recognition (PLAR).
- If a prerequisite does not exist, check to see if you are required to apply for a spot in the program by looking for admission requirement(s) and an application process. (In those rare cases where a program has intake dates, make sure you apply before that time.)
- Complete any required assessments, such as an English assessment or a math assessment.
- Pay close attention to the completion details as they will give you important information about how the program needs to be completed.
- Review the program requirements. All programs have compulsory course requirements, and some may also have elective or other course requirements.
- Print or save a PDF copy of the program’s web page for your records because you should complete the requirements for a program as they exist at the beginning of the academic year in which you begin taking courses toward that program. (You will need to know what requirements to follow in case changes are made to the program requirements as you are completing them.)
For more information, read through the information we have provided under registration information, policies and student resources then check out our General FAQ or Ask George Brown. If you still haven’t found what you’re looking for, contact us.