Availability, Cancellations, and Changes
George Brown College Continuing Education cannot guarantee that every course will be offered every term. Additionally, when a course is offered, registrations are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. You are encouraged to register as early as possible to ensure your place in the course. It is important that you provide your home and business telephone numbers and an email address when you register so that you can be reached in the event of any cancellations or changes.
If the registration period for a course has passed, the status of the class section will be listed as “CRN is Closed”. You must obtain the permission of the department to register in a course outside of the registration period.
George Brown College reserves the right to cancel or suspend courses, change start/end dates, change start/end times, combine classes, change teachers, or limit enrolment. Website accuracy may be affected as a result. However, the college makes every effort to ensure courses listed on the Continuing Education website are provided as scheduled. Every effort is made to make the decision to cancel a course no later than two business days prior to the course start date. Every effort is made to notify you of any course cancellations or changes no later than one business day prior to the course start date. Try to register no later than five business days prior to the course start date to ensure that there is adequate time for us to notify you if anything changes. You should attend your first class as scheduled unless you hear otherwise. You can also confirm that your course will begin as scheduled by visiting the web page for your specific course. (You can get to the course web page quickly by adding the course code to the end of our website URL – for example, coned.georgebrown.ca/COMM1008.) In the case of a course cancellation, any fees paid will be refunded. If you prefer, you may transfer and apply your fees to another course registration. There is no administrative fee to transfer from a cancelled course to an active course.
If you are unsure whether or not an individual class is cancelled because of the weather, you can check out the student account (STU-VIEW) Cancelled Classes for Continuing Education web page.
George Brown College reserves the right to cancel or suspend programs, change compulsory requirements, change electives requirements, change total number of requirements or change completion requirements. Website accuracy may be affected as a result. However, the college makes every effort to limit program changes to once a year (at the start of the academic year) and to ensure programs listed on the Continuing Education website are provided as shown.
George Brown College reserves the right to change clinical placement sites depending on enrollment numbers and/or the availability of sites. Clinical placement site assignment is entirely within the discretion of the college and is based on availability. You may be required to travel up to 150 km from George Brown College to complete your clinical placement.