General English Assessment (GEA)
The General English Assessment (GEA) is a tool used to measure your reading/writing skills and direct you to the English course that is most suitable for you. You may have to complete the GEA to prove that you meet the prerequisite English requirements for certain courses, but you must complete the GEA (or have an approved equivalent) before you register in COMM 1161 Introduction to College Communication or COMM 2017 Communicating Across Contexts.
You must book your assessment appointment by calling the college-wide Contact Centre at 416-415-2000. You will need your student ID number to book an appointment. The GEA assessment fee is $65, and you will be sent a link for payment after you book your appointment.
You will complete your assessment at an on-campus Assessment Centre. The location of your assessment will be provided to you when you book your appointment through the Contact Centre. If you have a physical, emotional or learning disability, you may request special accommodation for your assessment.
You must bring a piece of government-issued photo identification (for example, a driver’s licence), a pen, and a pencil to your assessment. The GEA takes at least two hours to complete and consists of two parts: an opinion essay (three to five paragraphs long) and a multiple-choice reading comprehension test. To prepare for the GEA, visit the college-wide General English Assessment web page.
You will get your results immediately. As soon as you complete your assessment, you will meet with an assessment advisor to discuss your English course placement. The advisor will give you a letter indicating the English course in which you are permitted to enrol. You must pass that course before registering in the next level. (In peak periods, personal interviews may not be possible; results would then be mailed.) Provide a copy of your assessment results when you register for your course, and bring a copy to the first class.
For more information, visit the college-wide General English Assessment web page.