Paralegal Program Application Form

George Brown College offers the Paralegal Program on a part-time basis only. The program requirements are set by the Law Society of Ontario (LSO). To gain acceptance into the program, you must complete the information below and indicate that you understand and agree to the terms of study.

Entrance Form

Note: Items marked with an asterisk (*) must be completed.

Personal Information
Contact Information
Academic Information
Have you taken degree or diploma courses from a college or university?
(If you have taken certain college or university courses you may be exempted from certain course requirements. Proof of courses and grades will be required.)
Terms of Study

The George Brown College Paralegal Education program comprises six modules containing three courses each (18 courses in total) and 240 hours of field placement. You may start the program in either fall (September) or winter (January), but you are then required to take a full module (made up of three courses) in each of three terms annually – winter (January), spring/summer (May), and fall (September) – until you complete the program. If you lack a specific educational background, you will also be required to take COMM 2017 Communicating Across Contexts (Online).

This program is currently participating in the LSO-approved pilot program called the Hybrid Delivery Project, and this will continue until further notice from the LSO. This mean that, at this time, approximately 65% of the courses will be offered through in-person delivery and the rest will be offered through blended (hybrid) delivery (subject to change at the discretion of the LSO). Information on the project can be found in the Law Society of Ontario, Paralegal Standing Committee Report: Hybrid Delivery of Paralegal Education (November 26, 2021), and details of the George Brown College implementation will be emailed to all students. If you are applying for either the upcoming fall (September 2023) program intake or winter (January 2024) program intake, you must agree to participate in a blended (hybrid) program delivery.

You must have a working computer and camera and meet the system requirements for online courses to participate. Additionally, in any course where more than 35% of the hours are offered remotely, you must keep your video engaged throughout each class (although backgrounds may be blurred for privacy).

You must also be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.

For more information on the Paralegal program, contact the department assistant, Noor Askandar, at , or the department co-ordinator, Teresa Stork, at .

Privacy Policy

General Collection Notice: George Brown College (the “college”) collects personal information under the authority of the Ontario Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology Act and in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. The college collects personal information for the purposes of administering its statutory objects/powers, programs, and activities and to carry out other services and functions. The college will secure personal information and use for such purposes as set out in the George Brown College Notice of Collection. If you have any questions about the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information at the college, please visit the college-wide Privacy Policy page. You may also contact the Privacy Office via email at